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Challenge Background
Inadequate water for trees and crops: The severity of the drought in northern Nigeria has severely affected afforestation projects. Tree plantations hardly survive the to the next rainy season, due to inadequate water and increased evapotranspiration. Despite efforts by government and non-governmental organizations, optimum vegetative cover has not been achieved. The encroaching deserts and declining water supply has hampered agricultural output and diversity.
The communities who are supposed to be custodians of these project are not usually carried along during project design and implementation, this makes them to develop an “i-don’t-care” attitude towards the projects.
As can be seen in this article:
We want to adress the issue of seedlings production.
What we are looking for
We look for technologies and know to establish Community Nurseries that will reproduce seedlings
Solution criteria
• Community participation: should be part and parcel of the planning and implementation stages.
• Energy Efficient.
• Easy to maintain and repair.
What we offer
We offer the technical expertise for Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of the Projects.
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