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Extreme Climate
Water Scarcity & Availability

Development of deseret suitable plant varieties



Challenge Background

Abiotic stress (drought and heat stress) is the primary cause of agricultural loss globally, and represents a major threat to food security in deserted areas. Despite the existing effort of research and development, low agricultural productivity and food insecurity remains an enormous challenge for Ethiopia. The recent increase in extreme weather events (climate shocks), threatens to have disruptive impacts on agriculture and agroforestry sectors of the country. The lack of stress tolerant seed and plant varieties are among the identified major constraints to greater adoption of dryland agriculture and agroforestry innovations in the desert areas. It is therefore essential to enhance the development of stress tolerant plant varieties and introduce desert plant species. Plant breeding research in Ethiopia dates back to 1953. Today, more than ten institutions are involved in formal plant breeding and biotechnology research in Ethiopia. However, the effort of Ethiopian plant breeding programs in desert plants is very limited.

What we are looking for

Development of deseret suitable plant varieties. Desert plant varieties that can adopt in the dry land areas of Ethiopia, such as date palm, sesame, Yehab , sorghum. We are looking for a collaborator on developing and introducing new plant varieties that can have great adaptation in the dry land areas.

Solution criteria

Cost effective and accessible for local seed producer

What we offer

We offer working space, research field, laboratory facilities (bench), office facilities, basic salary and other relevant assistance.



Bio and Emerging Technology institute (BETin), is a government organization in Ethiopia, established in June 2016. It's main purpose is conducting, leading and coordinating national effort on biotechnologies and emerging technology research and development in the firld of agriculture. The institute aims to help Ethiopian crop, livestock and microbial industries and improve productivity towards food security, increased income and sustainable production systems in the country.



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